  1. Menu
  2. About
    1. Annual Reports
    2. Family Legacy
    3. Financial Information
    4. Trustees & Executive Team
    5. Contact
  3. Grants
    1. Eligibility Guidelines
    2. How to Apply
      1. For a Grant
        1. Letter of Inquiry
        2. Grant Proposal
      2. For a Cash Flow Loan
      3. For a Discretionary Grant
    3. Reporting Requirements
    4. Past Awards
    5. Glossary
  4. Programs
    1. Arts & Humanities
    2. Catholic Activities
    3. Education
      1. BOOST Initiative
    4. Health Care
    5. Human Services
  5. gate.io

    About the Knott Foundation

    The Marion I. & Henry J. Knott Foundation is a Catholic family foundation committed to honoring our founders’ legacy of generosity to strengthen our community.

    Henry and Marion Knott were incredibly dedicated to two things: their family and their surrounding community of Baltimore. In 1977, they started the Foundation as a way of joining their two passions.

    Today, the Knott Foundation continues as a family-run philanthropic venture that strives to strengthen communities in central and western Maryland while preserving the Knott legacy of giving. 

    1. Arts

      Arts &


    2. Catholic



    3. Education



    4. Healthcare



    5. Human



    From the Knott Blog

    Knott Foundation Holiday Closure
    The Knott Foundation offices will be closed December 25 through January 1, and will re-open on Tuesday, January 2, 2024.
    A Season of Gratitude and Thanks
    An end of year message from Team Knott
    What We’re Reading: The Paradox of Generosity: Giving We Receive, Grasping We Lose by Christian Smith and Hilary Davidson
    How a generosity mindset confers physical, mental, and emotional benefits